Thursday 13 September 2007


A interesting film that I came across while I was doing research. The story of 'Rinne' is that a Japanese actress begins having strange visions and experiences after landing a role in a horror film about a real-life murder spree that took place over forty years ago. 'Rinne' was retitled 'Reincarnation' in USA.

American Japanese Movies

The title maybe a little confusing but many American films has had some sort of Japanese setting or feeling to like 'Kickboxer' and 'Street Fighter:The Movie'. If you click the title above it will take you to a website that has a list of American films that have used some sort of Japanese film style in them.

Saturday 8 September 2007

Media Questionnaire

For my critical research I have created an online questiionnaire so when you get the chance could you please fill it out.