Saturday 27 October 2007

English dub over Japanese Movies

Is it because the American film industry can not remake a Japanese film because of the actors used? Or could it be because they can't recreate the fighting scenes, or is it just because the American audience prefer the originals over the remakes? The American film industry could have remade the well known 'Kung-Fu Hustle' but all they did was dub the film in english. It could be argued that theres nothing better than the actual voices of the actors but the main focus wasn't the voice or dubbing but it was the action and the martial art scenes that reeled the audience in. It doesn't just matter whether the American film industry can make a decent remake, but it matters about the audiences reaction to it. Therefore, by keeping the original 'Kung Fu Hustle' and dubbing it in english allowed the audience to enjoy actions of unknown actors to them.

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